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Control Systems

Our knowledgeable, factory-trained technicians for small and large DeltaV and DeltaV SIS systems have comprehensive product knowledge and can provide you with:

Choose us and our Calgary Solutions Centre, an industry leader with over 40 years of experience, as your one-stop-shop for all of your packaging needs. Our highly experienced workforce provides high quality products, assistance with all aspects of project design, and unrivaled storage, staging and testing capabilities. 

Walk Through the Calgary Solutions Centre
one-of-a-kind facility

Walk Through the Calgary Solutions Centre

The Calgary Solutions Centre maintains one of the safest, most efficient, state-of-the-art manufacturing and design facilities in North America, which allows us to retain top people in the field and meet the challenges ahead. 

Experience our one-of-a-kind facility as if you were really there by taking a google walk through. Or take a closer look by taking a photo tour of the space.

Take a Google Map Tour
Have questions, need help or just want to talk with the experts about your next project. Call Caltrol and let one of our subject matter experts help! We are here for you!
Call Caltrol today to talk with an expert!