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Accumulated Acid Flow Control Accumulated Acid Flow Control
Safeguard your people, process and technology.

Safeguard your people, process and technology.

The accumulated acid control loop uses a valve that controls the hydrofluoric acid level in the acid accumulator. Spent hydrofluoric acid is constantly circulating from the acid accumulator to the rerun column. An upset in this valve could cause a leakage of hydrofluoric acid, which would be a major environmental and health risk. 

Our solution is specifically designed for this application.

With such a highly acidic environment, a 1”or 2” Emerson Fisher™ EZ Control Valve is ideal for this application. Along with good rangeability and control, these valves have bodies made of Monel® or steel to withstand harsh conditions.


Avoid environmental and health risks
Rely on valves designed for harsh conditions
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